A short tour into the natural hydrogen research history.
Vladimir Larin expresses his views on the planet Earth formation and global distribution of chemical elements for the first time
First paper “On the Hydrogen Role in Earth Composition and Development“ published by Vladimir Larin on the subject of hydrogen governing the planet evolution processes
Dr. Larin publishes the paper “The Primordially Hydridic Earth – The New Global Concept.” The PHE Concept is officially formalized
1976 – 1984
Papers and articles published on the subject of planet Earth and Solar System cosmogony, geochemical composition and development history. Geosynclines’ and orogenic belts’ development model
The Academy of Science of the USSR holds the multi-disciplinary meeting on drilling a 10-12km deep well with the purpose of examining the PHE concept postulates. The ultimate goal is to identify and to assess a hydrogen conducting structure in the continental rifting zone
The natural hydrogen deep drilling initiative by the Academy of Science of the USSR gets noticed by the Oil & Gas Journal
Dr. V. Larin’s Hydridic Earth manuscript co-authored by C. Warren Hunt published in Canada
First attempt to commercialize the PHE Concept. Lembinort Marketing Ltd. established by Dr. V. Larin, N. Larin, V. Vidavskiy
“Our Earth” book by Dr. V. Larin published in Moscow
Natural hydrogen exploration methods development and commercialization. Field exploration in Russia, Israel, USA, Morocco, Mongolia, Oman, India, Egypt
First deep exploration well drilled by the Dr. V. Larin’s group specifically for natural hydrogen in Nebraska, USA
Dr. Vladimir Larin dies in Moscow, Russia
Tribute to Dr. V. Larin: Our Earth book translated into English
Avalio entity established in Perth, WA Australia to continue working on the PHE concept commercialization
First soil gas testing results obtained on the customer’s license acreage in Western Australia. Several readings were over the detection range of >2,000ppm H2, the highest from the top soil layer (<1m deep) in Australia to the date
The journey continues…
Sat imagery, remote sensing data
Radiometrics data
Seismic applications
Soil gas detection field campaigns
Soil sample degassing lab
Isotopic Geochemistry, Gas Chromatography
Drone based sensing methods
Hydrogeology studies
Appraisal and assessment criterion
H2 resources development scenarios and technologies
All-Australia Record 58% (norm) H2 concentration in the headspace soil sample gas extracts from @<15m depth (GC assays)
Our colleagues from HydrogenAge (Spain) re-mastered the 1984 “Hypothesis” movie, giving it the new life, with AI assistance