V. Vidavskiy, R. Rezaee, N. Larin, R. Dorrington, M. Spivey, V. Vidavskiy. Natural Hydrogen in the Northern Perth Basin, WA Australia: Geospatial Analysis and Detection in Soil Gas for Early Exploration. 2024. Journal of Energy and Natural Resources (Volume 13, Issue 2). https://www.sciencepg.com/article/10.11648/j.jenr.20241302.15

V. Vidavskiy, R. Rezaee, N. Larin, R. Dorrington, M. Spivey, V. Vidavskiy. Natural Hydrogen in the Northern Perth Basin, WA Australia: Geospatial Analysis and Detection in Soil Gas for Early Exploration. 2024. Paper preprint, https://www.preprints.org/manuscript/202404.0532/v1

V. Vidavskiy, N. Larin. Natural Hydrogen: Proposed Drilling Techniques Development. Presentation at the Geological Society of London Conference: NATURAL HYDROGEN: A NEW FRONTIER FOR ENERGY GEOSCIENCE, June 2023 https://www.geolsoc.org.uk/~/media/shared/documents/events/2023/energy%20group/Abstract%20Book%20-%20Natural%20Hydrogen%20conference.pdf

N. Pendock, V. Vidavskiy. finding fairies at the bottom of your garden. Paper Abstract, Whispers #13th Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing. Athens, Greece 2023

V. Vidavskiy, R. Rezaee. Natural Deep-Seated Hydrogen Resources Exploration and Development: Structural Features, Governing Factors, and Controls. Journal of Energy and Natural Resources, 2022; 11(3): 60-81. https://www.sciencepublishinggroup.com/journal/paperinfo?journalid=167&doi=10.11648/j.jenr.20221103.11

T. Davis V.E. Vidavskiy, A.V. Shabarshov. Complimenting Primary Cementing with FREECAP Swellable Packers. Drilling and Oil, Is. 6, 2015, Moscow Russia.

O. Mamedbekov, V. Bessel, A. Puzyrev, M. Paduchak, A. Dudka, V. Vidavskiy. Using Experience of Swell Packers to Isolate Water Production at Depleted Gas Fields in Ukraine. Drilling and Oil, Is. 5, 2013

F.F. Akhmadishin, A.I. Kourinov, V.E. Vidavskiy, D.Yu. Sukhov. Drilling in Sliding Mode. Drilling and Oil, Is. 5, 2007, Moscow Russia.

V.V. Senatov, A.S. Melekhin, V.E. Vidavskiy, A.V. Shabarshov. AnderReamer Hole Opening Tool Application Provides Drilling Operations Performance Improvement. Drilling and Oil, Is. 12, 2006, Moscow Russia.

V.V. Senatov, A.S. Melekhin, V.E. Vidavskiy, D. Smith. Results of Andergauge Hydraulically Adjustable Stabilizer Application in Directional Drilling. Drilling and Oil, Is. 6, 2006, Moscow Russia.

D. Smith, V. Vidavskiy. Innovative Drilling Tools Improve Drilling Efficiency. Drilling and Oil, Is. 5, 2005, Moscow Russia.