Natural hydrogen degassing is routinely observed at the mid-ocean ridges, or MORs, for several decades – yet remaining inaccessible for humans, due to the current (under)developed technology level.
Worry not, hydrogen manifestations on the surface are registered on all continents in almost every tectonic context: rifting zones, cratonic margins, intra-cratonic mobile belts, and orogenic systems. Since Hydrogen, being the lightest element in the universe, is extremely mobile, it does not form “deposits” sitting pretty in the “traps”, like hydrocarbons do. This makes the natural hydrogen exploration approach based on Oil & Gas industry algorithms hardly applicable. (Some of our respectful colleagues from academia call this “the knowledge gap”).

Map of Avalio founder activities
These manifestations take multiple geomorphological shapes. Identifying them becomes an interesting task, which requires out-of-the-box thinking and “bottom-up” approach. The latter includes analyzing various types of data and synthesizing it into tangible results.
Hence, the task of finding the commercial source of natural hydrogen becomes a kind of tricky. Yet, the research based on the resilient Primordially Hydridic Earth concept combined with several decades of research, field data acquisition and analysis, proves to deliver promising results.
Our team is prepared to handle the tasks set up by our business partners, both in the field, in the lab, and in front of the investors panel.