The most important practical outcome of the Primordially Hydridic Earth (PHE) concept: Hydrogen in the nature is far more abundant – 4%wt of the Earth mass – than originally assigned by the current mainstream model. Moreover, hydrogen keeps degassing from the deeper geospheres – the core and the mantle – through the entire history of the planet development.
Natural hydrogen degassing manifestations are known for several centuries, if not for millennia – check out the Chimaera Mountain in Turkey, where H2 concentrations exceed 11%.

A so-called eternal flame flickers between rocks at Turkey’s Olympos Beydağları National Park. Courtesy The New York Times, 1 May 2019, via Getty Images.
Understanding the natural hydrogen prominence subject is complicated by a number of concepts currently debated by the academia. However, the scientific community is unanimous in the opinion that natural hydrogen is a very promising source of energy, and its potential in the global economy balances is extremely encouraging.
According to the PHE concept, hydrogen flows from the deep geospheres evolve with time: adjacent streams merge, resulting in more “packed” jets which are shaped like “chimneys”:

Hydrogen streams evolution in the metal-sphere with time (cross-section). From V. N. Larin. Our Earth, 2005
If found at the depths accessible by conventional drilling, these “chimneys” may become the long-term source of affordable hydrogen.
Therefore, carbon net-zero, economically viable “fuel of the future” can be extracted from the Earth utilizing technologies readily available today, thanks to the Petroleum industry developments.